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How to start a budget for beginner's.

Are you thinking about starting a budget? Do you know the basics about starting to budget? or maybe you just want another persons perspective. Either way, as always ill be sharing my personal experience as well as well as a TON of research.

For me personally, it took me a while to get used to a budget and figure out how one should look. Its safe to say I'm a perfectionist and it took me a lot of trial and errors. 

  • First thing you need to think of if of course, your goal(s). This is something you're aiming for so it can be as big or as small as you would like. Remember its YOUR goal.
  • Now you have figured out your goal and what you actually want to do all this for, you need to write out all of your income. This includes everything(I don't include my variable income eg. overtime, side hustles etc)
  • Then it comes down to your essential expenses, the outgoing's that don't change each month. For example: Monthly bills, Rent/Mortgage, utilities, Fuel, Groceries and so on.
  • After this is done, you should figure out savings(I'm planning a blog post on this soon) but this should include anything you're saving towards.  Example: House deposit, Retirement, Emergency fund, Big purchases etc. 
  • Once you have done the steps above, it is time to write down your NON-essential purchases so this is anything that you do not necessarily need but want.              Example: Clothing, Dining out, Takeaway coffee, Cleaning supplies.
  • The main thing which has helped me the most is checking in on my budget regularly- i try to do weekly/fortnightly. This helps to keep you accountable it also gives you a insight on to what you are overspending on.

If you would like some help creating a budget sheet or anything else budget related, feel free to send me a message on Instagram and ill be more than help( Organised_planning )

Thank you for reading my post, I hope it helped or you gained more information!

don't forget to share and pin!



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